Control your monster and paint the world around. Splash your opponent with paint and mess everything up.

Control your monster and paint the world around. Splash your opponent with paint and mess everything up.

As monsters move, they are leaving a trail of color behind, painting the surface and adding points to the player who controls it. The monster can climb up walls or furniture but will always move within 1 - 1.5 meters from the player, therefore making the player stretch up to paint a wall higher. Sometimes the monster would “sticks” to non-horizontal surfaces and needs to be “dragged” off them -- faster movement of the camera (imagine trying to unstick a sello-tape of a box), if player didn’t move the camera fast enough, the monster stays on the surface and slowly “slimes” towards the floor.
A monster can surround an area of his color, and it will completely fill with the color of the monster. If a monster of one color intercepts a trail of another, the monster who got intercepted “explodes” and player needs to return to the “color base” to. Monsters cannot be interfered when within their surrounded color area.
Monsters can collect powerups, which are randomly generated on the floor, only in the places where players scanned and low level surface “floor” was detected.
Players battle over color-cannons, that throw color in the air (they grow only in places where players previously colored, making sure they are accessible) - the color of a monster who conquered a cannon for a limited amount of time (so players need to continue battling for the cannons).
Players fight by throwing color at the opponent’s monster (color ammo runs out). When within 3 meters radius from a cannon players can battle. When more than 80% of the monster surface is covered in opponent’s color (or they were hit more than 10 times), they “explode”.
Players can obtain “cleaning bugs” and get clean from the opponent color and also “color capsules” that they throw at each other.
forwARgame — "Games must feel real, and REAL HAS NO LAG”
5G Features:
- This is a real time multiplayer and it requires a very low and stable latency (up to 30 ms) in order to synchronise every action and movement of the players. This is why SPLASHAAR is an ideal candidate for showcasing 5G connectivity.
- Both players and up to 5 spectators need to get every single change as frequent as 50 times per second. Since players see each other physically in the real life - the digital sync needs to be perfect in order to preserve the immersiveness.
- MobiledgeX
AR Glasses Support:
- Nreal
Commercial Model:
- Freemium