Mythical Wars is a multiplayer AR-based mobile game set in the world of monsters from most famous mythologies!
Mythical Wars
Slavic Monsters
Mythical Wars is a multiplayer AR-based mobile game set in the world of monsters from most famous mythologies!
Mythical Wars has been designed to ensure a consistent and ultra-stable latency via mobile edge computing to guarantee the best possible gaming experience for users. Players are able to choose from a wide range of monsters that cover various cultures and mythologies, with new monsters being developed and added on a regular basis to ensure that there is something to suit every type of player.
The game offers players the opportunity to fight in real-life using an advanced player versus player system. During attacks there are options to drown, set on fire, poison, stun, confuse or heal. A Monsters’ efficiency depends on their terrain type. For example, water monsters are stronger when they are in close proximity to a lake or river. Players can also build their own fortresses and use this to earn money from other players to heal in your fortress.
5G Features:
MobileedgeX Computing - Ultra-stable latency via mobile edge computing to guarantee the best possible gaming experience.